Hey there!
I'm Arpita. I'm currently pursuing my Masters in Computer Science from University of Massachusetts Amherst. I'm currently seeking Summer 2022 Internship oppurtunities. I have about 3 years of work experience in travel and pharma industries. I keep doing interesting things to keep myself busy! I am recently exploring UX and Visual Design as well. Learning day by day stays the motto of my life!
Chandan Suri, Gaurav Sinha, Arpita Singh, Shalini Batra
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume 7, Issue 8 (August, 2020).
Face Mask Detector with OpenCV, Keras,TensorFlow, and Deep Learning. Webapp in streamlit.
Automatic Meme Generator using OpenCV and dLib along with Webapp on streamlit.
Predicting and plotting future coronavirus cases for Indian States using LSTMs in PyTorch
Personal Website made with Gatsby and React. Hosted on Github Pages
Flutter app made using hive and provider to change theme of the phone
Image Labeling in Flutter Using Firebase ML Kit
Text Recognition in Flutter Using Firebase ML Kit
Coding Blocks